Genesis 18-19
Walk in the Way of the Lord by doing what is right and just.
48 times used in Old Testament
The Way of Jeroboam is reference to wicked way
The Way is the first name of the New Testament Church
Abraham once again intercedes for Sodom and Gomorrah.
God views Sodom and Gomorrah as filled with great and grievous sins (Ezekiel, 2 Peter, Jude) list the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The power of intercessory prayer: Abraham appeals for the Right and Just God to extend grace for just 10 faithful.
Abraham and Sarah with the three men (Angels)
Lot with the two men (angels)
Hebrews 13:2
1 Timothy = elders characterized by hospitality
1 Peter = all Christians practice hospitality
Parable of the Good Samaritan
Mosaic Laws about being a neighbor, helping the poor, strangers, and those seeking refuge.
Lot and his family hesitate in obedience
”EARLY the next morning “ obedience theme throughout Old Testament = immediate obedience, without delay.
Abraham did this with Isaac and the sacrifice
Joshua did this in leading the people into the Promise Land
Hesitation by Lot has grave and generational consequences.
Hesitation leads to refusal to obey in other areas: Lot refuses to flee to the mountains seeking shelter in the small town of Zoar instead.
“FLEE TO THE MOUNTAINS” theme of obedience in the Bible
Flee as a bird to the mountains = safety
Flee to the hills is command refused by Israel and those who did not suffered harmful and grave consequences.
Jesus’ (Matthew 24) prediction of the Fall of Jerusalem (AD 70) to flee to the hillsides
Lot’s wife death because of disobedience
Lot and his daughters in exile and the drunken, incestuous sexual relationship consequences.
- Moabites and Ammonites
CHOSEN NATION and the other Nations
Decisions of the Patriarchs led to other nations that become the bitter enemies of the Hebrews
Ishmael and his descendants
Descendants of Lot and his daughters sexual sin - Moabites and Ammonites
Esau’s descendants become the bitter enemies of the Hebrews (Malachi 1:3)
The Promise Nation = Abraham and Sarah = Isaac must be protected from these other nations.
- Hagar and Ishmael sent away from Isaac
- Abraham gives gifts to his sons with Keturah and sends them away from Isaac. chapter 25)
Chosen Seed through Miraculous Births
Childless women are used to produce the Promised Seed line in the Old Testament.
Miracle birth of Isaac to Sarah
Miracle birth of Esau and Jacob to Rebekah
Miracle birth of 12 children to Rachel
other miracle births:
New Testament: Elizabeth’s birth of John and Mary’s birth of Jesus.
Chosen Seed and Primogeniture (1st born son inherits everything)
Younger sons selected for the Chosen Seed over the oldest:
Isaac - not Ishamel
Jacob- not Esau
Judah - not Reubern
Ephraim - not Manasseh
Later in selecting a king to replace Saul, David, the younger is selected over all his older brothers who look more like a king than he does.
- In each case, the older is presented as the stronger most obvious one to be the one chosen by God. However, God chooses the younger.
Promised Seed always protected- even when just a remnant remains. God promise cannot be broken.
Hagar and Ishmael sent away to protect the Chosen Seed
Abraham sends sons with Keturah away to protect Chosen Seed
Promise given to Abraham and his Chosen Seed nation descendants that if they walk in the way of the Lord and do what is right and just they will be blessed.
Faith is always tested by God - quality assurance
Hebrews 11:17-19
Believed God
Reasoned by faith
Believed all things possible with God
Came from a deep and abiding trust in God who always keeps his promises and will provide.
Obedience in faith - EARLY THE NEXT MORNING- no hesitation
Others throughout the Old Testament (David, Jeremiah) ask God to search their hearts and test their mind.
Abraham calls the place: The Lord will Provide.
Hands of God in the Old Testament - create, help, protect, and provide.
Angels take the hands of Lot, his wife, and daughters to lead them to safety.
Angel stops Hagar from using her hands to kill Ishmael. Instead, Hagar lifts up Ishmael with her hands and sees the oasis ahead.
Angel stops the hand of Abraham from killing Isaac on the altar. The LORD will Provide