03- Genesis Part 1

Genesis 1-11:9

Read Genesis 1-3: The Creation and Fall
1. Only One God who is Creator:
a) Polytheism: belief in many gods most prominent religion in the world till today.
i.e. Hinduism (one billion adherents
2. Creation is orderly process, like a painting - the finger painting of God. Contrasts with the Ancient Near
Accounts of the time Genesis was written of wars between the gods and chaos.
3. How we got here as humans is perfectly clear:
Created not evolved
Image God
Keepers of the planet
4. What God creates is Good

Genesis 3: The Consequences and Effects of Sin
1. The Serpent in the Garden
2. The Temptation
3. The Fall and its consequences
4. Promise of Grace
Genesis 4-5 Cain Abel and Seth
1. Cain and Abel
2. Cain line: inventions, urbanization, wickedness and ungodly.
3. Seth line: godly calling on the name of the Lord
4. Longevity prior to the Flood: Seth line Adam- Methuselah many live over 900 years old.
5. Enoch lives to 365 but is taken into heaven prior to death.
6. Lamech is 777 years old and Noah is 500 years old when he has his three sons.
7. His three sons live @550 years on average.
8. Patriarchs: Abraham (175): Isaac (180): Jacob (147): Joseph (111)
9. Moses 120 and Joshua 110. In the Psalm of Moses (90) 70-80 years is the norm.
10. King Saul (80): King David (70): King Solomon (80)

Read Genesis 6:9-9: Noah and His Family- The First Judgement
1. The Sorrow of God over corruption of sin
6:5 Thoughts of every person
6:1 see 1 Peter 3:19; 2 Peter 2:4-5; Jude 6-7 for explanation.
2. The punishment of God for the corruption of sin
3. The grace of God in saving Noah and his family.
4. The Ark, The Sacrifice
5. The Blessing of Noah- same command he gave Adam and Eve (9:1)

1.Binding agreement that reflects relationship between parties. A covenant reflects it does not create a
2. Covenant requires the shedding of blood.
3. Rainbow covenant: Standards of the covenant
4. Made between a greater and lesser person of power.
5. Consequences for obeying and rebelling against the covenants.

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